During Peaceful Protest in Jayous, Israeli Forces Kill Palestinian Civilian in vicinity of Annexation Wall


Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, January 16, 2018

In new crime of using lethal force against civilians participating in peaceful protests, on Monday afternoon, 15 January 2018, Israeli forces killed a Palestinian civilian in Jayous village, northeast of Qalqiliyah.  This crime comes in light of the Israeli government’s escalation following the U.S. Decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel on 06 December 2017.  This crime and recent killings committed by the Israeli forces further prove that the latter deliberately claim as many victims as possible among the Palestinian protestors.  The follow-up by the Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR’s) staff shows that the Israeli forces deliberately intensified the use of live ammunition to confront the unarmed civilians by directly sniping civilians in peaceful demonstrations, noting that the protestors did not pose any threat or danger to the life of Israeli soldiers…
