Israeli authorities deny chronically ill Palestinian children from Gaza access to health care


Defense for Children Palestine, 03.07.2024

Ramallah, July 3, 2024 – Israeli authorities are systematically denying Palestinian children from the Gaza Strip access to medical treatment, exacerbating chronic health conditions and separating them from their families as part of Israel’s campaign of genocide against the Palestinian people.

Many Palestinian children from the occupied Palestinian territory resort to obtaining medical referrals for treatment in Jerusalem hospitals due to the weak health system for chronic diseases in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip, which contributes to inadequate treatment for children.

Children with chronic diseases face significant challenges in accessing proper treatment in the Gaza Strip. Since Israeli authorities closed and isolated the Gaza Strip in 2007, Palestinian children have been living under continuous siege and frequent Israeli military offensives. Those with chronic illness bear even more acutely the impact of Israel’s ongoing 17-year closure of the Gaza Strip…

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