Position Paper: Unleashing Media Freedoms Should be Priority in Reconciliation Table Agenda


Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, November 5, 2017

In light of the Palestinian reconciliation, the Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) preferably focused on media freedoms through organizing a panel discussion titled as, “The Future of Media Freedoms in light of National Reconciliation”. The panel discussion was attended by experts, decision-makers, journalists, politicians, civil society representatives, academics and new media activists. The meeting was held on 02 November 2017 in the Lighthouse Hall in Gaza City. The meeting concluded with several results and recommendations. The most important of which was the need to include journalists in the reconciliation, ensuring the creation of a proper legal and political environment to unleash press freedoms, including the amendment of laws, correction of policies, and the need to unify the Journalists Syndicate to confront the risks and challenges facing journalists and media activists in the next stage…
