Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, May 5, 2018
On Friday, 04 May 2018, Israeli forces continued to use lethal force against Palestinian peaceful civilians, east of the Gaza Strip, for the sixth consecutive Friday. Although none was killed this week, 196 civilians were wounded with live bullets and direct hits of tear gas canisters, including 28 children, 8 women, 5 journalists and 3 paramedics, one of them was seriously injured, in addition to hundreds suffering tear gas inhalation, including PCHR’s fieldworkers who were documenting the Israeli forces’ suppression of the entirely peaceful demonstrations near the border fence with Israel, east of the Gaza Strip. For the sixth week in a row and upon a decision by the Israeli highest military and political echelons, the Israeli forces used lethal force against the peaceful demonstrators, who posed no threat to the soldiers’ life. Thus, the death toll has risen to 41, including 5 children, 2 journalists and 2 persons with disabilities, and the number of those wounded has risen to 3033, including 517 children, 85 women, 36 journalists and 23 paramedics since 30 March.
Investigations and observations by PCHR’s fieldworkers during this week emphasize the following…